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Instrument Hire


Our Woodwind & Brass Rental Scheme is a perfect solution to the common problem of not knowing if the potential musician will 'stick at it' long enough to warrant buying an instrument. By hiring an instrument you can assess whether the student will continue to play on a long term basis before committing to an outright purchase. Our figures show that over 95% of students who initially hire do continue and go on to make a purchase and continue playing for many years. Prozone Music offers affordable schemes to make hiring or purchasing an instrument an easy low risk way to start playing an instrument.

How it works:

  • Payments are made every 3 months
  • The minimum hire term is 3 months

After the initial 3 month period, there is an option to buy with a discount: 50% of rental payments made can be redeemed against the purchase of the instrument. If you hired a new instrument, you can retain this instrument or if you received an ex hire instrument this may be swapped for a new instrument should you wish.

  • You can redeem 50% of your rental payments against any upgraded instrument to that originally hired
  • The maximum discount available is 50% of 6 months hire payments

To hire an instrument please contact us. Details of school attended, instrument teacher/employer are required along with names, addresses, email and telephone contact. You can download a copy of the rental application form here and return the completed form by scanned email, by post (registered for security) or fax.
Most instruments we hire out are new, if the instruments has been previosuly hired this will be reflected in any furture purchase price.

Hire prices:
Elkhart Trumpet - £15 per month
Elkhart Trombone - £20 per month 
Trevor James 5x Flute - £15 per month
Trevor James TJ10Xe Flute - £25 per month
Elkhart 100CL B flat Clarinet - £15 per month
Buffet Prodige Clarinet - £25 per month
Elkhart 100AS Alto Sax - £20 per month
Trevor James Classic Alto Sax - £30 per month
Other instruments available - £POA

Example 1 - Mrs Greenwood hires a trumpet from Prozone Music. She makes an initial payment of £45 for the first 3 month term. After 3 months she thinks that her son Miles is still in the early stages and decides to hire for a further 3 months. She makes another £45 payment for a further 3 month term. After 6 months, Miles is doing really well and she is confident that he wants to continue and progress. She decides to buy the trumpet she hired. Having made £90 in hire payments, she is entitled to a £45 discount form the current purchase price of £169. Mrs Greenwood pays £124 the trumpet is hers to keep!

Example 2 - As above, Mr Davis hires an Alto Sax for his daughter for 6 months (@ £20 per month). After 6 months, not only is Jennifer enjoying playing her sax greatly but she is making good headway towards her grade 1. Mr Davis decides that it would be a good idea to buy an upgraded instrument as his daughter is progressing so quickly. After help and advice from Prozone Music, he decides to buy a Yamaha 280 Alto Saxophone and receives a £60 discount from the current discounted web sales price.